Articles | Volume 5, issue 2
Research article
15 Jul 2016
Research article |  | 15 Jul 2016

Distance scaling method for accurate prediction of slowly varying magnetic fields in satellite missions

Panagiotis P. Zacharias, Elpida G. Chatzineofytou, Sotirios T. Spantideas, and Christos N. Capsalis

Abstract. In the present work, the determination of the magnetic behavior of localized magnetic sources from near-field measurements is examined. The distance power law of the magnetic field fall-off is used in various cases to accurately predict the magnetic signature of an equipment under test (EUT) consisting of multiple alternating current (AC) magnetic sources. Therefore, parameters concerning the location of the observation points (magnetometers) are studied towards this scope. The results clearly show that these parameters are independent of the EUT's size and layout. Additionally, the techniques developed in the present study enable the placing of the magnetometers close to the EUT, thus achieving high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Finally, the proposed method is verified by real measurements, using a mobile phone as an EUT.