Articles | Volume 6, issue 2
Research article
20 Sep 2017
Research article |  | 20 Sep 2017

A low-power data acquisition system for geomagnetic observatories and variometer stations

Achim Morschhauser, Jürgen Haseloff, Oliver Bronkalla, Carsten Müller-Brettschneider, and Jürgen Matzka

Abstract. A modern geomagnetic observatory must provide data of high stability, continuity, and resolution. The INTERMAGNET network has therefore specified quantitative criteria to ensure a high quality standard of geomagnetic observatories. Here, we present a new data acquisition system which was designed to meet these criteria, in particular with respect to 1 Hz data. This system is based on a Raspberry Pi embedded PC and runs a C+ +  data acquisition software. As a result, the data acquisition system is modular, cheap, and flexible, and it can be operated in remote areas with limited power supply. In addition, the system is capable of near-real-time data transmission, using a reverse SSH tunnel to work with any network available. The system hardware was successfully tested at the Niemegk observatory for a period of 1 year and subsequently installed at the Tatuoca observatory in Brazil.

Short summary
A modern geomagnetic observatory is expected to record geomagnetic data with high stability, high resolution, and high reliability. Also, geomagnetic observatories may be located in remote areas, requiring low power consumption and simple maintenance. Here, we present a new data logger system that was designed to meet these criteria. This system is based on a Raspberry Pi embedded PC and includes a modular C++ software package which can be adapted to specific observatory setups.