03 Dec 2018
 | 03 Dec 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal GI. A final paper is not foreseen.

Continuous observation of Stable Isotopes of Water Vapor in Atmosphere Using High-Resolution FTIR

Chang-Gong Shan, Wei Wang, Cheng Liu, You-Wen Sun, Yuan Tian, and Isamu Morino

Abstract. Observations of stable isotopes of water vapor provide important information for water cycle. The volume mixing ratios (VMR) of H2O (XH2O) and HDO (XHDO) have been retrieved based on a high-resolution ground-based Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) at Hefei site, and the isotopic composition δD was calculated. Time series of XH2O were compared with the Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) data, showing a good agreement. The daily averaged δD ranges from −17.02 ‰ to −282.3 ‰ between September 2015 and September 2016. Also, the relationships of meteorological parameters with stable isotopologue were analyzed. δD values showed an obvious positive correlation with temperature and ln(XH2O) and a weak correlation with relative humidity. Further, 51.35 % of airmass at Hefei site comes from the southeast of China, and the main potential sources of δD are in the east of China over the observation period based on the back trajectories model. Furthermore, the δD values of evapotranspiration were calculated based on Keeling plot. Observations of the stable isotopes of water vapor by high-resolution ground-based FTIR provide information on study of the variation of the atmospheric water vapor at Hefei site.

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Chang-Gong Shan, Wei Wang, Cheng Liu, You-Wen Sun, Yuan Tian, and Isamu Morino

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Interactive discussion

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Chang-Gong Shan, Wei Wang, Cheng Liu, You-Wen Sun, Yuan Tian, and Isamu Morino
Chang-Gong Shan, Wei Wang, Cheng Liu, You-Wen Sun, Yuan Tian, and Isamu Morino


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Short summary
Observations of the stable isotopes of water vapor by high-resolution ground-based Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) provide information on study of the variation of the atmospheric water vapor at Hefei site. In this paper, the percentage of atmospheric H2O(XH2O) and HDO (XHDO) have been retrieved based on a high-resolution ground-based FTIR at Hefei site, and also calculated the stable isotopes of water composition δD. The time series of XH2O were compared with the Greenhouse gase.