06 Mar 2019
 | 06 Mar 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal GI but the revision was not accepted.

Development of a New Centralized Data Acquisition System for Seismic Exploration

Feng Guo, Qisheng Zhang, Qimao Zhang, Wenhao Li, Yueyun Luo, Yuefeng Niu, and Shauiqing Qiao

Abstract. Seismic exploration equipment has developed rapidly over the past few decades. One such piece of equipment is a centralized seismograph, which plays an important role in engineering, so improving its performance is of great scientific significance. However, there is still a gap between seismic exploration equipment that is inde-pendently developed by China and that developed worldwide; this gap needs to be bridged via the advancements made in technology. In this research, the core part of general seismic data acquisition devices is packaged to develop a centralized seismic data acquisition system (Named as CUGB-CS48DAS) that has independent operating ability and high scalability, which can be used for engineering seismic and electrical prospecting. The low-power-consumption computer of the system comprises a 24-bit Σ-△ modulation A/D converter and 48 sampling channels with an optional sampling rate of 50 Hz to 64 KHz, crosstalk rejection ratio ≥ 80 dB, dynamic range ≥ 120 dB, frequency response range of DC to 16 KHz, synchronization accuracy better than 200 ns, and data transmission speed ≥ 90 Mbps. With regard to the host computer, the ar-chitecture of the control software is smart, and it can integrate the multiple functions of data acquisition, preprocessing, and self-testing; clear interfaces reduce the com-plexity of development and migration.

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Feng Guo, Qisheng Zhang, Qimao Zhang, Wenhao Li, Yueyun Luo, Yuefeng Niu, and Shauiqing Qiao
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
Feng Guo, Qisheng Zhang, Qimao Zhang, Wenhao Li, Yueyun Luo, Yuefeng Niu, and Shauiqing Qiao
Feng Guo, Qisheng Zhang, Qimao Zhang, Wenhao Li, Yueyun Luo, Yuefeng Niu, and Shauiqing Qiao


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Short summary
The CUGB-CS48DAS data acquisition system was designed for seismic purpose at first. However, we tried to integrate the acquisition circuit and after several hardware improvements and software updates, it can be used now for seismic exploration as well as electrical prospecting. It has good application effects in engineering geology, mineral geology and energy geology, and is suitable for exploration tasks in coalfields, petroleum, minerals, earthquake monitoring and urban construction, etc.