19 Dec 2012
A novel technique to detect special nuclear material using cosmic rays
C. Thomay, P. Baesso, D. Cussans, J. Davies, P. Glaysher, S. Quillin, S. Robertson, C. Steer, C. Vassallo, and J. Velthuis
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(calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 31 Aug 2012)
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Views and downloads (calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 19 Dec 2012)
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(calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 19 Dec 2012)
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Views and downloads (calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 31 Aug 2012)
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(calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 31 Aug 2012)
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Latest update: 13 Dec 2024