Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
Research article
 | Highlight paper
14 Jul 2022
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 14 Jul 2022

Towards a self-sufficient mobile broadband seismological recording system for year-round operation in Antarctica

Alfons Eckstaller, Jölund Asseng, Erich Lippmann, and Steven Franke

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Executive editor
A rapidly and simple deployable self-sufficient mobile seismic station concept is introduced offering an applealing tool for the Antarctic area and in regions where little is known about local and regional tectonic earthquake activity.
Short summary
We present a mobile and self-sufficient seismometer station concept for operation in polar regions. The energy supply can be adapted as required using the modular cascading of battery boxes, wind generators, solar cells, or backup batteries, which enables optimum use of limited resources. Our system concept is not limited to the applications using seismological stations. It is a suitable system for managing the power supply of all types of self-sufficient measuring systems in polar regions.