Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
10 Jan 2023
Research article |  | 10 Jan 2023

Design and construction of an automated and programmable resistivity meter for shallow subsurface investigation

Antenor Oliveira Cruz Júnior, Cosme Ferreira da Ponte-Neto, and André Wiermann

Model code and software

Geo-Resistivity-meter: Hardware and software repository for a geophysical instrument A. Wiermann, A. Junior, and C. Ponte-Neto

Short summary
This project aims to demonstrate the viability of the development of a concept prototype that has, as a differential, free software and hardware used in its development and operation. It thus has unique characteristics compared with commercially available equipment for signal detection, providing strong rejection of spurious electrical noise, typical of urban areas. This project is important academic contribution to open-source instrumental research.