Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
15 Sep 2023
 | 15 Sep 2023

Verification and calibration of a commercial anisotropic magnetoresistive magnetometer by multivariate non-linear regression

Nicholas Belsten, Mary Knapp, Rebecca Masterson, Cadence Payne, Kristen Ammons, Frank D. Lind, and Kerri Cahoy

Data sets

AV-MagEval-Data N. Belsten

Model code and software

AV_MagEval_Drivers N. Belsten

Short summary
AERO and VISTA spacecraft will use commercial magnetometers to measure space weather events near Earth’s aurora. The small size of AERO and VISTA necessitate the use of magnetometers with small size, weight, and power. The magnetometers selected exhibit good precision, but additional calibration is needed to achieve good accuracy. This work evaluates a method for calibration by regression which has reduced the magnetic observed error by a factor of ca. 50, meeting mission requirements.