Volume 13, referees

Volume 13, referees

The GI editorial board, the European Geosciences Union, and Copernicus Publications thank the following colleagues very much for their work in reviewing the manuscripts published in the journal volume 13, 2024.
  • Peter Brauer
  • Cecile Finco
  • TRENTON Franz
  • Andreas Hartmann
  • Darren Hillegonds
  • Q. S. Jiao
  • Markku Koskinen
  • Yanghui Li
  • Masaki Matsushima
  • Ivan Portoghese
  • Thorkild Maack Rasmussen
  • Camille Rolland
  • Valentina Schenone
  • Martin Schrön
  • Changsheng Shang
  • Nataline Simon
  • Thibaud Toullier
  • yanhong Wang
  • Lesley Wyborn
  • Bartosz Zawilski
  • Ye Zhang
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