Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
Research article
29 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 29 Jan 2018

Multifunction waveform generator for EM receiver testing

Kai Chen, Sheng Jin, and Ming Deng


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Short summary
To assess the performance of the developed EM receivers, this paper presents a multifunctional waveform generator with three waveforms: 1) a wideband, low-noise electromagnetic field signal to be used for magnetotelluric, audio-magnetotelluric, and long-period magnetotelluric studies; 2) a repeating frequency sweep square waveform for CSAMT and SIP studies; and 3) a “positive-zero–negative-zero” signal that contains primary and secondary fields for time-domain-induced polarization studies.