Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
Research article
06 Sep 2019
Research article |  | 06 Sep 2019

Low-noise permalloy ring cores for fluxgate magnetometers

David M. Miles, Miroslaw Ciurzynski, David Barona, B. Barry Narod, John R. Bennest, Andy Kale, Marc Lessard, David K. Milling, Joshua Larson, and Ian R. Mann


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Short summary
Fluxgate magnetometers provide magnetic field measurements for geophysics and space physics. A low-noise ferromagnetic ring core typically determines the noise performance of the instrument. Much of the basic research into producing low-noise fluxgate sensors was completed in the 1960s for military purposes and was never publicly released. We present a manufacturing approach that can consistently produce fluxgate ring cores with a noise performance comparable to the legacy ring cores used today.