Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
Research article
12 Feb 2019
Research article |  | 12 Feb 2019

Advanced calibration of magnetometers on spin-stabilized spacecraft based on parameter decoupling

Ferdinand Plaschke, Hans-Ulrich Auster, David Fischer, Karl-Heinz Fornaçon, Werner Magnes, Ingo Richter, Dragos Constantinescu, and Yasuhito Narita

Data sets

THEMIS mission data including FGM and ESA data THEMIS

Short summary
Raw output of spacecraft magnetometers has to be converted into meaningful units and coordinate systems before it is usable for scientific applications. This conversion is defined by 12 calibration parameters, 8 of which are more easily determined in flight if the spacecraft is spinning. We present theory and advanced algorithms to determine these eight parameters. They take into account the physical magnetometer and spacecraft behavior, making them superior to previously published algorithms.