Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Research article
17 Mar 2020
Research article |  | 17 Mar 2020

An autonomous low-power instrument platform for monitoring water and solid discharges in mesoscale rivers

Guillaume Nord, Yoann Michielin, Romain Biron, Michel Esteves, Guilhem Freche, Thomas Geay, Alexandre Hauet, Cédric Legoût, and Bernard Mercier

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How does initial soil moisture influence the hydrological response? A case study from southern France
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 6127–6146,,, 2018
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A high space–time resolution dataset linking meteorological forcing and hydro-sedimentary response in a mesoscale Mediterranean catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche region, France
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Cited articles

Aigner, J., A. Kreisler, R. Rindler, C. Hauer, and Habersack, H.: Bedload pulses in a hydropower affected alpine gravel bed river, Geomorphology, 291, 116–127,, 2017. 
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Borga, M., Stoffel, M., Marchi, L., Marra, F., and Jakob, M.: Hydrogeomorphic response to extreme rainfall in headwater systems: Flash ?oods and debris flows, J. Hydrol., 518, 194–205,, 2014. 
Short summary
We present the development of the RIPLE platform that is designed for the monitoring at high temporal frequency (~ 10 min) of water discharge, solid fluxes (bedload and suspended load) and properties of fine particles (settling velocity) in mesoscale rivers. Many instruments are integrated into this single centralized device, which is autonomous in energy and connected to the 2G/3G network. A user-friendly interface has been developed enabling us to visualize the data collected by the platform.