Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
 | Highlight paper
16 Nov 2020
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 16 Nov 2020

The baseline wander correction based on the improved ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) algorithm for grounded electrical source airborne transient electromagnetic signals

Yuan Li, Song Gao, Saimin Zhang, Hu He, Pengfei Xian, and Chunmei Yuan


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Short summary
The baseline wander has special characteristics, such as being low frequency, large amplitude, non-periodic, and non-stationary. It is caused by the receiving coil motion and always exists in the process of data acquisition. The proposed method can be used to solve similar problems. This paper has the following highlights: (1) the method can be used to process non-periodic and non-stationary signals; (2) the method is adaptive to satisfy the stopping criterion based on the measured signal.