21 Jul 2017
 | 21 Jul 2017
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

2D dipping dike magnetic data interpretation using a robust particle swarm optimization

Khalid S. Essa and Mahmoud El-Hussein

Abstract. A robust Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) investigation for magnetic data by a 2D dipping dike has been presented. The interpretive model parameters are: the amplitude coefficient (K), the depth to the top of the dipping dike (z), exact origin of the dipping dike (x0), and the width of dipping dike (w). The inversion procedure is actualized to gauge the parameters of a 2D dipping dike structures where it has been confirmed first on synthetic models without and with different level of random noise. The results of the inversion demonstrate that the parameters derived from the inversion concur well with the true ones. The root mean square (RMS) is figured by the strategy which is considered as the misfit between the measured and computed anomalies. The technique has been warily and effectively applied to real data examples from China and UK with the presence of ore bodies. The present technique can be applicable for mineral exploration and ore bodies of dike-like structure embedded in the shallow and deeper subsurface.

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Khalid S. Essa and Mahmoud El-Hussein

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Interactive discussion

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Khalid S. Essa and Mahmoud El-Hussein
Khalid S. Essa and Mahmoud El-Hussein


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Latest update: 22 Oct 2024

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Short summary
A new investigation technique for magnetic data by a 2D dipping dike has been presented. The main interpretive parameters are: the depth to the top, exact origin, and the width of dipping dike. The comparison of the results with drilling information reported in the literature demonstrated the prevalence of the suggested method and its potential for solving magnetic problem, for example in china field example the depth to the top of dike is 22.24 m and from drilling information range from 22–25.