Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
04 May 2023
Research article |  | 04 May 2023

Spectral observations at the Canary Island Long-Baseline Observatory (CILBO): calibration and datasets

Joe Zender, Detlef Koschny, Regina Rudawska, Salvatore Vicinanza, Stefan Loehle, Martin Eberhart, Arne Meindl, Hans Smit, Lionel Marraffa, Rico Landman, and Daphne Stam

Data sets

CILBO Meteor Spectra Database J. Zender and D. Koschny

Short summary
The paper describes the ground-based camera equipment to obtain images from dust ablation phenomena (meteors) in the Earth's atmosphere. The meteors are observed from two locations, but one station is equipped with a camera containing a spectral grating, which allows following and determining the spectral information through the meteor ablation process. We describe the data merging, calibration, and processing to finally derive the meteor composition.