Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Research article
30 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 30 Sep 2024

Macapá, a Brazilian equatorial magnetometer station: installation, data availability, and methods for temperature correction

Cristiano Mendel Martins, Katia Jasbinschek Pinheiro, Achim Ohlert, Jürgen Matzka, Marcos Vinicius da Silva, and Reynerth Pereira da Costa


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Short summary
The magnetic equator is the region where the magnetic field is horizontal and therefore strong ionospheric electric currents occur, the so-called equatorial electrojet. The magnetic equator is predicted to be at Macapá state in 2024. Therefore, a new magnetometer station was installed in Macapá in order to track the effects of the equatorial electrojet. We present the setup and data analysis of Macapá station, and we develop a method for temperature correction of the vector magnetometer data.