Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
Research article
21 Aug 2018
Research article |  | 21 Aug 2018

Laboratory spectral calibration of the TanSat atmospheric carbon dioxide grating spectrometer

Zhongdong Yang, Yuquan Zhen, Zenshan Yin, Chao Lin, Yanmeng Bi, Wu Liu, Qian Wang, Long Wang, Songyan Gu, and Longfei Tian


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Short summary
TanSat is a key satellite mission in the Chinese Earth Observation program and is designed to measure the global atmospheric column-averaged dry-air CO2 mole fraction. Several critical aspects of the spectrometer, including the spectral resolution, spectral dispersion, and the instrument line shape function of each channel were evaluated. The instrument line shape function of the spectrometer is notably symmetrical and perfectly consistent across all channels in the three bands.