Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Research article
05 May 2020
Research article |  | 05 May 2020

A Tethered Air Blimp (TAB) for observing the microclimate over a complex terrain

Manoj K. Nambiar, Ryan A. E. Byerlay, Amir Nazem, M. Rafsan Nahian, Mohsen Moradi, and Amir A. Aliabadi


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Short summary
A novel airborne sensing platform is developed for meteorological measurements including variables such as components of wind velocity vector, temperature, pressure, and relative humidity. The system is called the Tethered Air Blimp (TAB). This system is deployed at a complex mining facility in northern Canada to measure dynamics of the atmosphere in various diurnal times, latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes. It measures convective, neutral, and stable boundary layers up to 150 m.