Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
16 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 16 Jul 2020

Signal processing for in situ detection of effective heat pulse probe spacing radius as the basis of a self-calibrating heat pulse probe

Nicholas J. Kinar, John W. Pomeroy, and Bing Si

Data sets

Dataset from paper: Signal Processing for In-Situ Detection of Effective Heat Pulse Probe Spacing Radius as the Basis of a Self-Calibrating Heat Pulse Probe Nicholas J. Kinar

Model code and software

Model code and software from paper: Signal Processing for In-Situ Detection of Effective Heat Pulse Probe Spacing Radius as the Basis of a Self-Calibrating Heat Pulse Probe Nicholas J. Kinar

Short summary
Heat pulse probes are widely used to monitor soil thermal and physical properties for agricultural and hydrological monitoring related to crop productivity, drought, snowmelt, and evapotranspiration. Changes in the effective probe spacing distance can cause measurement inaccuracy. This paper uses a novel heat pulse probe and theory to compensate for changes in effective distance, thereby enabling more accurate sensor outputs useful for forecasts and predictions of drought and flooding.