06 Dec 2023
 | 06 Dec 2023
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GI.

The development of a reference corner cube inertial suspension device

Bing Zhang, Xiaoyi Zhu, Qiong Wu, Bing Xue, Lili Xing, Yanxiong Wu, Peng Su, Xiaolei Wang, Yuru Wang, and Shuaibo Zhao

Abstract. The seismometer synchronous observation and zero crossing methods are applied to laser interferometer absolute gravimeter to suppress the vibration interference. However, during the synchronous observation of the seismometer and the gravimeter, the observation point of the seismometer does not coincide with the reference corner cube in space, resulting in spatial dislocation, which cannot accurately reflect the vibration state of the reference corner cube. So, it is necessary to hang the reference corner cube on the elastic element to directly measure its vibration acceleration measurement. In this paper, an open-loop reference corner cube inertial suspension device(RCCISD) hanging the reference corner cube was developed based on the principle of seismometer, which is used to measure the vibration acceleration of the reference corner cube of the laser interferometer absolute gravimeter. Experimental test results show that the power spectrum of gravitational acceleration calculated by an interference fringe observed jointly by the RCCISD is about 40 dB lower than that of the reference corner cube directly placed on the ground. RCCISD can restrain the vibration interference to a certain extent, not only can it measure the reference corner cube vibration more accurately than the seismograph synchronous observation method for the vibration compensation of gravity measurement, but also the volume is about 1 / 3 of the Super-Spring volume, which can greatly reduce the height of the gravimeter.

Bing Zhang, Xiaoyi Zhu, Qiong Wu, Bing Xue, Lili Xing, Yanxiong Wu, Peng Su, Xiaolei Wang, Yuru Wang, and Shuaibo Zhao

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on gi-2023-16', Anonymous Referee #1, 25 Dec 2023 reply
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', bing zhang, 23 Jan 2024 reply
  • CC1: 'Comment on gi-2023-16', zijian cui, 29 Mar 2024 reply
Bing Zhang, Xiaoyi Zhu, Qiong Wu, Bing Xue, Lili Xing, Yanxiong Wu, Peng Su, Xiaolei Wang, Yuru Wang, and Shuaibo Zhao
Bing Zhang, Xiaoyi Zhu, Qiong Wu, Bing Xue, Lili Xing, Yanxiong Wu, Peng Su, Xiaolei Wang, Yuru Wang, and Shuaibo Zhao


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Short summary
A reference corner cube inertial suspension device(RCCISD) was developed, which is used to measure the vibration acceleration of the reference corner cube of the laser interferometer absolute gravimeter. The test results show that the PSD of gravitational acceleration is about 40 dB lower than that of the reference prism directly placed on the ground. The volume of the RCCISD is about 1 / 3 of the Super-Spring volume, which can greatly reduce the height of the gravimeter.