The following lists the recent preprints posted on EGUsphere with GI-related topics, the recent preprints posted in GI’s discussion forum, as well as final revised papers published recently in GI.
11 Jul 2024
The AgraSim (Agricultural Simulator) facility for the comprehensive experimental simulation and analysis of environmental impacts on processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system
Joschka Neumann, Nicolas Brüggemann, Patrick Chaumet, Normen Hermes, Jan Huwer, Peter Kirchner, Werner Lesmeister, Wilhelm August Mertens, Thomas Pütz, Jörg Wolters, Harry Vereecken, and Ghaleb Natour
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GI (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
08 Jul 2024
Comparing triple and single Doppler lidar wind measurements with sonic anemometer data based on a new filter strategy for virtual tower measurements
Kevin Wolz, Christopher Holst, Frank Beyrich, Eileen Päschke, and Matthias Mauder
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 13, 205–223,,, 2024
Short summary
28 Jun 2024
Managing Data of Sensor-Equipped Transportation Networks using Graph Databases
Erik Bollen, Rik Hendrix, and Bart Kuijpers
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GI (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
26 Jun 2024
Airborne electromagnetic data levelling based on the structured variational method
Qiong Zhang, Xin Chen, Zhonghang Ji, Fei Yan, Zhengkun Jin, and Yunqing Liu
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 13, 193–203,,, 2024
Short summary
17 Jun 2024
A multiplexing system for quantifying oxygen fractionation factors in closed chambers
Clémence Paul, Clément Piel, Joana Sauze, Olivier Jossoud, Arnaud Dapoigny, Daniele Romanini, Frédérique Prié, Sébastien Devidal, Roxanne Jacob, Alexandru Milcu, and Amaëlle Landais
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GI (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
14 Jun 2024
Development of an integrated analytical platform of clay minerals separation, characterization and 40K/40Ar dating
Marie Gerardin, Gaetan Milesi, Julien Mercadier, Michel Cathelineau, and Danièle Bartier
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GI (discussion: open, 2 comments)
Short summary
13 Jun 2024
Accuracy of the scalar magnetometer aboard ESA's JUICE mission
Christoph Amtmann, Andreas Pollinger, Michaela Ellmeier, Michele Dougherty, Patrick Brown, Roland Lammegger, Alexander Betzler, Martín Agú, Christian Hagen, Irmgard Jernej, Josef Wilfinger, Richard Baughen, Alex Strickland, and Werner Magnes
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 13, 177–191,,, 2024
Short summary
10 Jun 2024
Modular approach to near-time data management for multi-city atmospheric environmental observation campaigns
Matthias Zeeman, Andreas Christen, Sue Grimmond, Daniel Fenner, William Morrison, Gregor Feigel, Markus Sulzer, and Nektarios Chrysoulakis
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GI (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
Short summary
06 Jun 2024
Calibrating low-cost rain gauge sensors for their applications in Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures to densify environmental monitoring networks
Robert Krüger, Pierre Karrasch, and Anette Eltner
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 13, 163–176,,, 2024
Short summary
06 Jun 2024
Analysis of Orientation Errors in Triaxial Fluxgate Sensors and Research on Their Calibration Methods
Xiujuan Hu, Shaopeng He, Qin Tian, Alimjan Mamatemin, Pengkun Guo, and Guoping Chang
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GI (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
Short summary
05 Jun 2024
Copper permalloys for fluxgate magnetometer sensors
B. Barry Narod and David M. Miles
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 13, 131–161,,, 2024
Short summary
21 May 2024
Development of Internet-of-Things-Based Controlled-Source Ultra-Audio Frequency Electromagnetic Receiver
Zucan Lin, Qisheng Zhang, Keyu Zhou, Xiyuan Zhang, Xinchang Wang, Hui Zhang, and Feng Liu
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GI (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
Short summary
02 May 2024
An underground drip water monitoring network to characterize rainfall recharge of groundwater at different geologies, environments, and climates across Australia
Andy Baker, Margaret Shanafield, Wendy Timms, Martin Sogaard Andersen, Stacey Priestley, and Marilu Melo Zurita
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 13, 117–129,,, 2024
Short summary
30 Apr 2024
Research and application of small-diameter hydraulic fracturing in situ stress measurement system
Yimin Liu, Mian Zhang, Yixuan Li, and Huan Chen
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 13, 107–116,,, 2024
Short summary
29 Apr 2024
Research and application of a flexible measuring array for deep displacement of landslides
Yang Li, Zhong Li, Qifeng Guo, Yimin Liu, and Daji Zhang
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 13, 97–105,,, 2024
Short summary
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