Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Research article
29 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 29 Apr 2022

Leveling airborne geophysical data using a unidirectional variational model

Qiong Zhang, Changchang Sun, Fei Yan, Chao Lv, and Yunqing Liu

Data sets

Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data, North Spirit Lake area, Geophysical Data Set 1056 Ontario Geological Survey

Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data, grid and profile data (ASCII and Geosoft® formats) and vector data, Nestor Falls area, Geophysical Data Set 1076 Ontario Geological Survey

Short summary
In airborne survey, dynamic flight conditions cause unequal data levels, which seriously impact airborne geophysical data analysis and interpretation. A new technique is proposed to level geophysical data in view of the image space properties. We have confirmed the reliability of the method by applying it to the airborne electromagnetic, magnetic and apparent-conductivity data. The method can automatically extract leveling errors without the participation of staff members or tie-line control.