Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
Research article
25 Oct 2022
Research article |  | 25 Oct 2022

Glider observations of thermohaline staircases in the tropical North Atlantic using an automated classifier

Callum Rollo, Karen J. Heywood, and Rob A. Hall

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Buffett, G. G., Krahmann, G., Klaeschen, D., Schroeder, K., Sallarès, V., Papenberg, C., Ranero, C. R., and Zitellini, N.: Seismic Oceanography in the Tyrrhenian Sea: Thermohaline Staircases, Eddies, and Internal Waves, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 122, 8503–8523,, 2017. a, b, c, d, e, f
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