Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Research article
01 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 01 Dec 2023

Daedalus Ionospheric Profile Continuation (DIPCont): Monte Carlo studies assessing the quality of in situ measurement extrapolation

Joachim Vogt, Octav Marghitu, Adrian Blagau, Leonie Pick, Nele Stachlys, Stephan Buchert, Theodoros Sarris, Stelios Tourgaidis, Thanasis Balafoutis, Dimitrios Baloukidis, and Panagiotis Pirnaris

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Short summary
Motivated by recent community interest in a satellite mission to the atmospheric lower thermosphere and ionosphere (LTI) region (100–200 km altitude), the DIPCont project is concerned with the reconstruction quality of vertical profiles of key LTI variables using dual- and single-spacecraft observations. The report introduces the probabilistic DIPCont modeling framework, demonstrates its usage by means of a set of self-consistent parametric non-isothermal models, and discusses first results.