Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Research article
29 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 29 Jul 2024

A tool for estimating ground-based InSAR acquisition characteristics prior to monitoring installation and survey and its differences from satellite InSAR

Charlotte Wolff, Marc-Henri Derron, Carlo Rivolta, and Michel Jaboyedoff

Model code and software

charlottewolff/GB-PAR: first (first) Charlotte Wolff

Short summary
The remote-sensing InSAR technique is vital for monitoring slope instabilities but requires understanding. This paper delves into differences between satellite and GB-InSAR. It offers a tool to determine the optimal GB-InSAR installation site, considering various technical, meteorological, and topographical factors. By generating detailed maps and simulating radar image characteristics, the tool eases the setup of monitoring campaigns for effective and accurate ground movement tracking.