Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Research article
20 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 20 Aug 2024

Enabling in situ validation of mitigation algorithms for magnetic interference via a laboratory-generated dataset

Matthew G. Finley, Allison M. Flores, Katherine J. Morris, Robert M. Broadfoot, Sam Hisel, Jason Homann, Chris Piker, Ananya Sen Gupta, and David M. Miles


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Short summary
Spaceflight magnetic-field measurements are often contaminated by interference from the host spacecraft. We present a new dataset to enable the development and testing of interference mitigation schemes for spaceflight magnetic-field data. Over 100 h of data, including laboratory-generated proxies for magnetic interference and geophysical signals, have been produced. A ground truth for the underlying interference is also provided, enabling the rigorous quantification of data-cleaning techniques.