Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
Research article
23 Apr 2014
Research article |  | 23 Apr 2014

In-flight calibration of the Hot Ion Analyser on board Cluster

A. Blagau, I. Dandouras, A. Barthe, S. Brunato, G. Facskó, and V. Constantinescu

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Cited articles

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Dandouras, I., Barthe, A., Kistler, L. M., and Blagau, A.: Calibration Report of the CIS measurements in the Cluster Active Archive (CAA), cr icd.xml (last access: 15 April 2014), 2012.
Dandouras, I., Barthe, A., Penou, E., Brunato, S., Rème, H., Kistler, L. M., Bavassano-Cattaneo, M. B., and Blagau, A.: Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) Data in the Cluster Active Archive (CAA), in: The Cluster Active Archive, Studying the Earth's Space Plasma Environment, edited by: Laakso, H., Taylor, M., and Escoubet, C. P., 51–72, Springer, Berlin, 2010.