Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
Research article
31 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 31 Jul 2018

Links between annual surface temperature variation and land cover heterogeneity for a boreal forest as characterized by continuous, fibre-optic DTS monitoring

Kazuyuki Saito, Go Iwahana, Hiroki Ikawa, Hirohiko Nagano, and Robert C. Busey

Data sets

Fibre-optic distributed temperature monitoring (DTS) system at a boreal forest PFRR site: Loop 1 K. Saito

Short summary
A DTS system, using fibre-optic cables as a temperature sensor, measured surface and subsurface temperatures at a boreal forest underlain by permafrost in the interior of Alaska for 2 years every 30 min at 0.5-metre intervals along 2.7 km to monitor the daily and seasonal temperature changes, whose temperature ranges between −40 ºC in winter and 30 ºC in summer. This instrumentation illustrated characteristics of temperature variations and snow pack dynamics under different land cover types.