Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Research article
01 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 01 Aug 2024

First in situ measurements of the prototype Tesseract fluxgate magnetometer on the ACES-II-Low sounding rocket

Kenton Greene, Scott R. Bounds, Robert M. Broadfoot, Connor Feltman, Samuel J. Hisel, Ryan M. Kraus, Amanda Lasko, Antonio Washington, and David M. Miles

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Contributors to fluxgate magnetic noise in permalloy foils including a potential new copper alloy regime
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Accuracy of the scalar magnetometer aboard ESA's JUICE mission
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Demonstrating the space flight capability of the next generation of precise, reliable magnetic field instruments is important for enabling future space science missions that will further our understanding of the connection between Earth's magnetic field and the Sun. Here, we present a new magnetic field instrument design called Tesseract, the results from its successful first space flight demonstration aboard a rocket, and its measurements of magnetic fields associated with the aurora.