Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
Research article
24 Sep 2019
Research article |  | 24 Sep 2019

Evaluations of an ocean bottom electro-magnetometer and preliminary results offshore NE Taiwan

Ching-Ren Lin, Chih-Wen Chiang, Kuei-Yi Huang, Yu-Hung Hsiao, Po-Chi Chen, Hsu-Kuang Chang, Jia-Pu Jang, Kun-Hui Chang, Feng-Sheng Lin, Saulwood Lin, and Ban-Yuan Kuo


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Short summary
The first stage of field experiments involving the design and construction of a low power-consumption ocean bottom electro-magnetometer (OBEM) has been completed: this can be deployed more than 180 d on the seafloor with a time drift of less than 0.95 ppm. We found that the inclinations and magnetic data of the OBEM varied with two observed earthquakes when compared to the OBS data. The potential fields of the OBEM were slightly, but not obviously, affected by the earthquakes.