Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
07 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 07 Oct 2020

A global geographic grid system for visualizing bathymetry

Colin Ware, Larry Mayer, Paul Johnson, Martin Jakobsson, and Vicki Ferrini

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Cited articles

Becker, J. J., Sandwell, D. T., Smith, W. H. F., Braud, J., Binder, B., Depner, J. L., Fabre, D., Factor, J., Ingalls, S., Kim, S. H., and Ladner, R.: Global bathymetry and elevation data at 30 arc seconds resolution: SRTM30_PLUS, Mar. Geod., 32, 355–371, 2009. 
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Mayer, L., Jakobsson, M., Allen, G., Dorschel, B., Falconer, R., Ferrini, V., Lamarche, G., Snaith, H., and Weatherall, P.: The Nippon Foundation – GEBCO seabed 2030 project: The quest to see the world's oceans completely mapped by 2030, Geosciences, 8, 10–27, 2018. 
McPhail, C. K.: Reconstructing Eratosthenes' Map of the World: A Study in Source Analysis (Doctoral dissertation, University of Otago), 190 pp., 2011.  
Short summary
Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) are widely used in geospatial applications, and terrains are often defined by regular grids in geographic coordinates. However, because of convergence of lines of longitude near the poles there is oversampling in the latitude (zonal) direction. Also, there is no standard way of defining a hierarchy of grids to consistently deal with data having different spatial resolutions. The proposed global geographic grid system solves both problems.