Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
 | Highlight paper
05 Aug 2020
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 05 Aug 2020

A monitoring system for spatiotemporal electrical self-potential measurements in cryospheric environments

Maximilian Weigand, Florian M. Wagner, Jonas K. Limbrock, Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, and Andreas Kemna

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Cited articles

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In times of global warming, permafrost is starting to degrade at alarming rates, requiring new and improved characterization approaches. We describe the design and test installation, as well as detailed data quality assessment, of a monitoring system used to capture natural electrical potentials in the subsurface. These self-potential signals are of great interest for the noninvasive investigation of water flow in the non-frozen or partially frozen subsurface.