Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Research article
05 Mar 2025
Research article |  | 05 Mar 2025

A steerable system for the RECoverable Autonomous Sonde (RECAS) to access and study subglacial lakes

Mikhail A. Sysoev, Pavel G. Talalay, Xiaopeng Fan, Nan Zhang, Da Gong, Yang Yang, Ting Wang, and Zhipeng Deng

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Short summary
Our research introduces technology for exploring subglacial lakes while keeping them isolated from surface contamination. The RECoverable Autonomous Sonde (RECAS) can drill ice both downward and upward, allowing clean water sampling. In some cases, the sonde should drill at specific angles to follow a trajectory, maintain verticality, or bypass obstacles. This paper describes the general principles of steering the RECAS by adjusting the drill's heat distribution and the experimental results.