Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
Research article
09 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 09 Mar 2018

Intercomparison of cosmic-ray neutron sensors and water balance monitoring in an urban environment

Martin Schrön, Steffen Zacharias, Gary Womack, Markus Köhli, Darin Desilets, Sascha E. Oswald, Jan Bumberger, Hannes Mollenhauer, Simon Kögler, Paul Remmler, Mandy Kasner, Astrid Denk, and Peter Dietrich

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Improved representation of soil moisture processes through incorporation of cosmic-ray neutron count measurements in a large-scale hydrologic model
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Brief Communication: A new drought monitoring network in the state of Brandenburg (Germany) using cosmic-ray neutron sensing
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Cited articles

Andreasen, M., Jensen, H. K., Zreda, M., Desilets, D., Bogena, H., and Looms, C. M.: Modeling cosmic ray neutron field measurements, Water Resour. Res., 52, 6451–6471,, 2016. a, b
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Baatz, R., Hendricks Franssen, H.-J., Han, X., Hoar, T., Bogena, H. R., and Vereecken, H.: Evaluation of a cosmic-ray neutron sensor network for improved land surface model prediction, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 2509–2530,, 2017. a
Bachelet, P., Balata, P., Dyring, E., and Iucci, N.: The intercalibration of the cosmic-ray neutron monitors at 9 European sea-level stations and the deduction of a daily latitude effect in 1963, Il Nuovo Cimento (1955–1965), 36, 762–772, 1965. a
Short summary
Cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) is a unique technology to monitor water storages in complex environments, non-invasively, continuously, autonomuously, and representatively in large areas. However, neutron detector signals are not comparable per se: there is statistical noise, technical differences, and locational effects. We found out what it takes to make CRNS consistent in time and space to ensure reliable data quality. We further propose a method to correct for sealed areas in the footrint.